
Online English support available!
Looking for information on relocating to the countryside in Japan?
Can’t find enough time to surf through the web for quality information in English?
Or are you living outside of Japan and need remote assistance?
If you ever wondered about any of the above, then you’ve come to the right place. Leave it to us!
Contracted by the City of Tamba, Hyogo prefecture, we are a team of local private companies and individuals who offer various relocation support services for those who looking to move to our city. All of this is free of charge as this is part of Tamba city’s civic and promotion services.
We provide information on basic matters like housing, job opportunities, local culture and events. Also, you would be connected to various services upon your request, based on our local network. For example, official information provided by the local municipalities, staff members’ first person experiences on moving to and living in Tamba:
- Relocating from the city or from overseas
- Entering and dealing with the local communities and their traditions
- Securing jobs and starting local businesses
- Purchase and renovation of traditional Japanese houses
- Securing government subsidies
- Raising children and education, and much more!
We are here to help you from start to finish, as well as after the move realizing the life you always imagined having. Let’s start with a visit in person and/or online to hear your thoughts and give you a basic introduction to the area.
Step 1:オンライン相談の予約
Book a date for an online consultation session.
Contact us to notify a few choices of time and date of your convenience. We will secure a time and get back to you.
Step 2:アクセスコードを受け取る
Receive Zoom access information.
Our conference software of choice is Zoom, while we can accommodate other applications.
Step 3:相談する
Let us get to know you.
Your privacy is our priority so please feel free to share your stories and plans, things you wish to change (or not change) about your current situation, and dream of living in Japan’s countryside. We are looking forward to speaking with you!